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The duration of your period can tell you! Are your periods normal?

What is the standard duration of a period?

The normal period for a woman is 25 to 38 days. Also, within one period, the normal range of menstrual periods is 3 to 7 days or less.

However, when the menstrual period does not end and bleeding continues for more than 8 days, it is called "excessive menstruation. While there is often no problem if there is only a little bleeding during the period before or after the period, if solid bleeding continues for more than eight days, caution should be exercised.

What are the causes of excessive menstruation?

There are two main possible causes of prolonged menstruation. The first is irregular menstruation and the second is excessive menstruation.

Irregular Menstruation

There are many different patterns of menstrual irregularities, one of which is anovulatory menstruation, which may cause excessive menstrual periods. Anovulatory menstruation is defined as a period without ovulation, even though the cycle is within the normal range. In the case of anovulatory menstruation, the absence of ovulation causes a hormonal imbalance that may result in a type of period that is continually followed by a small amount of bleeding.

Causes of the onset of anovulatory menstruation include stress, excessive dieting, and other irregular lifestyle habits.


Hypermenorrhea, as the term implies, is a case of heavy bleeding, the effect of which is an increase in the duration of menstruation. The cause of hypermenorrhea is often the uterus itself, but in rare cases there may be no uterine problem that is causing the hypermenorrhea.

Excessive Long Menstruation May Be Caused by Uterine Diseases

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, adenomyosis uteri, uterine fibroids, and other uterine diseases may cause prolonged menstruation. When such diseases are the cause, symptoms other than prolonged menstruation may also be present. For example, period pain, excessive menstruation and associated anemia.

What are some of the treatments for excessive menstruation?

Treatments for prolonged menstruation vary depending on its cause.

When irregular menstruation is the cause

If there is a problem with ovulation, it is important to first try to reduce stress. Then, treatment will differ depending on whether or not there is a desire to conceive.

If pregnancy is desired, ovulation should be stimulated by the use of fertility drugs. On the other hand, if pregnancy is not desired, hormonal therapy and other treatments may be used mainly. Low-dose pills, for example, are taken to restore female hormones to the same hormonal balance as after normal ovulation.

When uterine disease is the cause

If the cause is a disease of the uterus, such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis, the response will depend on the symptoms. If the symptoms are mild, follow-up observation is done. If the symptoms are severe, consultation for surgery or low-dose pills may be considered. In some cases, uterine diseases may take drug therapy, but drug therapy only slows the progression of the disease, not cures it.

In any case, if you feel that you may have excessive menstruation? If you feel that you may have excessive menstruation, see your gynecologist as soon as possible.

What is Hyper Short Menstruation? What are the causes?

While too long periods may be the result of some hidden disease, when a period ends within two days, it is also called a per short menstruation and may require treatment.

Hypomenorrhea is caused by hormonal balance and pregnancy

Although there are many causes of hyperemesis gravidarum, hormonal imbalance is the most common cause in many women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum.

The female hormone estrogen secretion can decrease due to fatigue, stress, or excessive dieting. Since estrogen promotes uterine activity related to menstruation, a decrease in estrogen secretion causes the uterus to work less efficiently, resulting in less blood loss.

Pregnancy may also be a cause. Bleeding that is thought to be due to oligomenorrhea may not be caused by menstruation, but by implantation bleeding that occurs during pregnancy. If you are keeping a basal body temperature, please consider the possibility of pregnancy regardless of the presence or absence of bleeding if you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms such as a continuous high-temperature period.

Diseases and Treatments Hidden in Hyper Short Menstruation

Some cases of per short menstruation are caused by diseases such as endometritis. In such cases, the disease should be treated.

If it is caused by a cause other than a disease, stress relief by improving the rhythm of life or the use of fertility drugs or low-dose pills to regulate hormonal balance may be used.

If left unchecked, super short menstruation can lead to anovulation and further menstrual abnormalities, so it is best to correct the problem as soon as possible.

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