Table of contents
What is basal body temperature?
Types of disorders that occur when basal body temperature rises
What to do if you have a fever?
What is basal body temperature?

Basal body temperature is the temperature of the body when it is at rest, consuming only the minimum amount of energy necessary to sustain life. It can also be referred to as the body temperature while sleeping.
In general, basal body temperature changes in accordance with the menstrual cycle. After menstruation, the basal body temperature is low, but after ovulation, it shifts to a high-temperature phase. When ovulation occurs and the follicle changes to the corpus luteum, the body temperature remains high due to the secretion of luteinizing hormone. The basal body temperature remains high by about 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius for about two weeks until the period begins.
Types of discomfort when basal body temperature rises
You may experience physical discomfort before your period, as your body becomes sluggish. These physical discomforts may occur during the high-temperature phase when the basal body temperature is high, and the body is prone to sleepiness and lethargy.
The higher body temperature caused by luteinizing hormone raises basal body temperature, but it is less likely to cause changes in body temperature during the day. Body temperature changes throughout the day, and is especially low when the body is asleep. However, during the luteal phase, the body temperature does not change much even when sleeping and remains high. When we sleep, our body temperature drops, and this causes deep sleep, but in the luteal phase, when body temperature changes little, the quality of sleep is poor. Thus, the phenomenon of shallow sleep at night and drowsiness and lethargy during the day occur.
What to do if you get a fever?

Rest and get a good night's sleep
Rest your body and get a good night's sleep. A good night's sleep will help strengthen your immune system.
Warm up your body and drink water.
Keep your body well warm and hydrated, and try to take more ginger and green onions, which warm the body, and foods containing vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Choose water that is room temperature or slightly warm, and avoid anything that is too cold. In addition, taking ginger and leeks not only warms the body, but also has antibacterial and sweating effects, and can help to relieve fever quickly.
Take an antipyretic.
If the fever is severe, use an over-the-counter antipyretic and rest.
This method is effective when the cause of the fever is known and the doctor has instructed the patient to "rest and recuperate. If the cause of the fever is not known, blindly lowering the fever may worsen the symptoms, so please visit a hospital.